Thursday, February 28, 2013

Yogini, Dana Fikes, Remembers Michael Clarke Duncan

Yoga Flava Playa, Dana Fikes, joins the Feel Rich Goes Red Campaign with Robin Downes to raise heart health awareness.

Dana is pictured here in Boat Pose- a heart healthy asana for many reasons, it relieves stress, it works the abs and opens the chest to increase lung capacity which will benefit your heart as you breathe deeply.

This is Dana Fikes testimony:

My heart is healthy and strong due to a work out plan my late friend Michael Clarke Duncan, personally trained me on. It consists of walking and jumping rope to increase your cardio as part of the workout that is very intense. I limit my red meat intake. My daily diet consists of 16 oz. of broccoli without any condiments a day and water infused with fresh cucumber, or strawberries and mint or oranges and lemon slices for detoxification. I also juice in the mornings and this has become an integral part of the lifestyle change I've adopted based upon the expert tutelage of Michael.

My heartfelt desire is that the fervor and intentionality Michael Clarke Duncan embodied in caring for his heart by exercising daily (without fail) and becoming a vegetarian toward the latter part of his life will inspire others to work at making a difference for their own heart through regular exercise and a healthy diet.  He would always tell me "Do something everyday, no matter what it is- yoga, walking, strength exercises, something."
On September 3, 2012 Mikey succumbed to complications from a heart attack on July 13. His heart may have been weak but he never dwindled in his dedication to being a true example of optimal health. I am forever grateful for the knowledge he bestowed upon me to make caring for myself through exercise a top priority.

My company, The D Network, partnered with another publicist and a celebrity trainer  just last year to bring awareness to heart disease with the American Heart Association and their Go Redfor Women campaign. The event demonstrated healthy meal choices and a fitness regime that focused on strengthening the heart and sculpting the body. The event was inspiring and I continue to support the fight against heart disease in women by participating in awareness campaigns such as Yoga Flava's Challenge to strike a Heart Healthy Pose. These are the things that make me feel rich. Oh, and doing yoga with my 3 year old grandson Markie, it can't get any richer than that.

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